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Nonalbuminuric Diabetic Kidney Disease and Risk of All-Cause Mortality and Cardiovascular and Kidney Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes: Findings From the Hong Kong Diabetes BiobankNonalbuminuric diabetic kidney disease (DKD) has become... | Antifibrotic Agents for the Management of CKD: A ReviewKidney fibrosis is a hallmark of chronic kidney disease... |
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Corrigenda Regarding Effect of Dietary Potassium Restriction on Serum Potassium, Disease Progression, and Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (J Ren Nutr. 2020;30[4]:276-285)The authors regret that the printed version of the above... | CORRECTED ARTICLE: Effect of Dietary Potassium Restriction on Serum Potassium, Disease Progression, and Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisLow-potassium diets are recommended to reduce serum... | Whole Diet Approach to Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stone PreventionKidney stones affect about 10% of the population in the... |