Artículos Científicos en Ingles

Artículos Científicos RSS ASN

Nocturia Diagnosis, Management Strategies Offered

A recent paper provides 8 questions to ask patients to...

Blood test may identify gestational diabetes risk in first trimester, NIH study indicates

A blood test conducted as early as the 10th week of...

Phosphate Binders Lower Infection-Related Death Risk in HD

In a study, hemodialysis patients who used phosphate...

Phosphate Control May Reduce FGF23 Levels in HD

Patients on hemodialysis who achieved serum phosphate...

Cardiovascular Event Rates Vary by Kidney Failure Cause

Among US dialysis patients, cardiovascular event rates...

Would an opt-out organ donor system actually lead to fewer transplants?

England’s plans to make everyone an organ donor by...

Annual Urinary Incontinence Screening for Women Recommended

Clinicians should assess whether women experience...

Acute Renal Failure in CKD Patients Less Likely With PCI

In a study, percutaneous coronary intervention was...

Gout Associated With Increased Risk of Developing Erectile Dysfunction

Data show that gout is associated with an increased risk...

Artículos Científicos RSS AJKD

Erratum Regarding “Risk of Venous Thromboembolism in Patients by Albuminuria and Estimated GFR” (Am J Kidney Dis. 2017;70[6]:826-833)

In the Original Investigation article entitled “Risk of...

Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients With Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma) Requiring Renal Replacement Therapy in Europe: Results From the ERA-EDTA Registry

Data for outcomes of patients with end-stage renal...

Outcomes of the First and Second Hemodialysis Fistula: A Cohort Study

Fistulas are the preferred form of hemodialysis access;...

Renal Disorders in Pregnancy: Core Curriculum 2019

As the incidence of chronic kidney disease increases and...

Monitoring Urine Flow to Prevent Overcorrection of Hyponatremia: Derivation of a Safe Upper Limit Based on the Edelman Equation

Overly fast correction of hyponatremia is the most...

Artículos Científicos RSS JRN

Adequacy of Plant-Based Proteins in Chronic Kidney Disease

Concerns regarding protein and amino acid deficiencies...
