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The impact of synbiotic treatment on the levels of gut-derived uremic toxins, inflammation, and gut microbiome of chronic kidney disease patients- A randomized trialAltering dysbiotic gut flora through synbiotic... | The Impact of Synbiotic Treatment on the Levels of Gut-Derived Uremic Toxins, Inflammation, and Gut Microbiome of Chronic Kidney Disease Patients—A Randomized TrialAltering dysbiotic gut flora through synbiotic... | Intradialytic Protein Ingestion and Exercise do Not Compromise Uremic Toxin Removal Throughout HemodialysisDietary protein and physical activity interventions are... |
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Best Practice Alerts in Electronic Medical Records to Improve Pneumococcal Vaccination in CKDPneumococcal vaccination rates are low in chronic kidney... | Long-term Health Care Utilization and Associated Costs After Dialysis-Treated Acute Kidney Injury in ChildrenAcute kidney injury (AKI) is common among hospitalized... |