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Establishing Research Priorities in Geriatric Nephrology: A Delphi Study of Clinicians and Researchers

Despite substantial growth in the population of older...

Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in Acute Kidney Injury Incidence Following Intravenous Antihypertensive Administration for Severe Blood Pressure Elevation During Hospitalization

Severe hypertension (sHTN) that develops after hospital...

In Reply to “ACGME Accreditation for Transplant Nephrology Training: Clarifying Why This is a Step in the Right Direction”

We appreciate the interest from Singh et al. in our...

Artículos Científicos RSS JN

Efficacy and safety of novel anticoagulant therapies in patients with chronic kidney disease—a systematic review and meta-analysis



Development and evaluation of a kidney health questionnaire and estimates of chronic kidney disease prevalence in the Cooperative Health Research in South Tyrol (CHRIS) study



Nationwide mortality following acute type B aortic dissection and the survival advantage of obesity among dialysis patients in Japan



Clinical trial emulation in nephrology



Computed tomography peritoneography to explore peritoneal dialysis dysfunction: a Nephrology picture

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Green nephrology for the nephrology curriculum? Opinions of Italian nephrology residents

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Assessment of total carotid plaque area progression in patients with chronic kidney disease. Good practices for decision-making



Commentary on “The ABCs of post-preeclampsia out-patient nephrology care: the Le Mans strategy”: perspective of patients’ association (Grossesse Santé contre la pré-éclampsie)

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Validation and modification of renal risk score for prediction of long-term kidney survival in patients with MPO-ANCA-associated glomerulonephritis



A feasibility study for understanding the demand and acceptability of a systematic symptom monitoring process in end-stage kidney disease

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