Nucleophosmin Phosphorylation as a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Target for Ischemic AKI
Background Ischemic AKI lacks a urinary marker for early diagnosis and an effective therapy. Differential nucleophosmin (NPM) phosphorylation is a potential early marker of ischemic renal cell injury and a therapeutic target.
Methods Differential NPM phosphorylation was assessed by mass spectrometry in NPM harvested from murine and human primary renal epithelial cells, fresh kidney tissue, and urine before and after ischemic injury. The biologic behavior and toxicity of NPM was assessed using phospho-NPM mutant proteins that either mimic stress-induced or normal NPM phosphorylation. Peptides designed to interfere with NPM function were used to explore NPM as a therapeutic target.
Results Within hours of stress, virtually identical phosphorylation changes were detected at distinct serine/threonine sites in NPM harvested from primary renal cells, tissue, and urine. A phosphomimic NPM protein that replicated phosphorylation under stress localized to the cytosol, formed monomers that interacted with Bax, a cell death protein, coaccumulated with Bax in isolated mitochondria, and significantly increased cell death after stress; wild-type NPM or a phosphomimic NPM with a normal phosphorylation configuration did not. Three renal targeted peptides designed to interfere with NPM at distinct functional sites significantly protected against cell death, and a single dose of one peptide administered several hours after ischemia that would be lethal in untreated mice significantly reduced AKI severity and improved survival.
Conclusions These findings establish phosphorylated NPM as a potential early marker of ischemic AKI that links early diagnosis with effective therapeutic interventions.