Glomerular isolated microscopic hematuria: urinary features and long term follow-up of a selected cohort of patients



Isolated microscopic hematuria is a condition characterized by the presence in the urine of an “abnormal” number of erythrocytes in the absence of proteinuria. Several studies have been published on this condition, but with heterogeneous inclusion criteria and variable outcomes at follow-up. In this retrospective study, we describe a selected and homogenous cohort of patients who presented with isolated microscopic hematuria of glomerular origin.


We included in the study patients with isolated microscopic hematuria of glomerular origin (> 1 erythrocyte/high power field at 400× and ≥ 40% dysmorphic erythrocytes and/or ≥ 5% acanthocytes and proteinuria ≤ 150 mg/24 h) with a follow-up of > 60 months from the first documentation of microscopic hematuria.


Forty-two patients (M 12, F 30, age at presentation 14–68 years, eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73 m2: 1 patient) were included. During a medium term follow-up, microscopic hematuria was persistent in 25 patients (59.5%), transiently absent in 17 (40.5%), always glomerular in 16 patients (38.1%), and occasionally non-glomerular in 26 (61.9%); proteinuria, observed in 16 patients (38.1%), was always transient and < 500 mg/24 h. At the end of a follow-up of 181.8 ± 97.9 (median 168) months, only 2 patients (4.8%) had eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73 m2, one of whom had reduced eGFR already at presentation.


This study on a small but selected and homogeneous cohort of patients with isolated microscopic hematuria of glomerular origin demonstrates that urinary features can transiently change over time and that the renal outcome is good.