Protein Kinase 2{beta} Is Expressed in Neural Crest-Derived Urinary Pacemaker Cells and Required for Pyeloureteric Contraction
Nonobstructive hydronephrosis, defined as dilatation of the renal pelvis with or without dilatation of the ureter, is the most common antenatal abnormality detected by fetal ultrasound. Yet, the etiology of nonobstructive hydronephrosis is poorly defined. We previously demonstrated that defective development of urinary tract pacemaker cells (utPMCs) expressing hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 3 (HCN3) and the stem cell marker cKIT causes abnormal ureteric peristalsis and nonobstructive hydronephrosis. However, further investigation of utPMC development and function is limited by lack of knowledge regarding the embryonic derivation, development, and molecular apparatus of these cells. Here, we used lineage tracing in mice to identify cells that give rise to utPMCs. Neural crest cells (NCCs) indelibly labeled with tdTomato expressed HCN3 and cKIT. Furthermore, purified HCN3+ and cKIT+ utPMCs were enriched in Sox10 and Tfap-2α, markers of NCCs. Sequencing of purified RNA from HCN3+ cells revealed enrichment of a small subset of RNAs, including RNA encoding protein kinase 2β (PTK2β), a Ca2+-dependent tyrosine kinase that regulates ion channel activity in neurons. Immunofluorescence analysis in situ revealed PTK2β expression in NCCs as early as embryonic day 12.5 and in HCN3+ and cKIT+ utPMCs as early as embryonic day 15.5, with sustained expression in HCN3+ utPMCs until postnatal week 8. Pharmacologic inhibition of PTK2β in murine pyeloureteral tissue explants inhibited contraction frequency. Together, these results demonstrate that utPMCs are derived from NCCs, identify new markers of utPMCs, and demonstrate a functional contribution of PTK2β to utPMC function.