Coronary Revascularization in Patients with CKD Stage 5D: Pragmatic Considerations

Coronary revascularization decisions for patients with CKD stage 5D present a dilemma for clinicians because of high baseline risks of mortality and future cardiovascular events. This population differs from the general population regarding characteristics of coronary plaque composition and behavior, accuracy of noninvasive testing, and response to surgical and percutaneous revascularization, such that findings from the general population cannot be automatically extrapolated. However, this high-risk population has been excluded from all randomized trials evaluating outcomes of revascularization. Observational studies have attempted to address long-term outcomes after surgical versus percutaneous revascularization strategies, but inherent selection bias may limit accuracy. Compared with percutaneous strategies, surgical revascularization seems to have long–term survival benefit on the basis of observational data but associates with substantially higher short–term mortality rates. Percutaneous revascularization with drug-eluting and bare metal stents associates with a high risk of in-stent restenosis and need for future revascularization, perhaps contributing to the higher long–term mortality hazard. Off–pump coronary bypass surgery and the newest generation of drug–eluting stent platforms offer no definitive benefits. In this review, we address the nuances, complexities, and tradeoffs that clinicians face in determining the optimal method of coronary revascularization for this high-risk population.