Balkan endemic nephropathy: a still unsolved puzzle.

Authors: Schiller A, Gusbeth-Tatomir P, Pavlovic N, Ferluga D, Spasovski G, Covic A
Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) is a chronic tubulointerstitial renal disease, occurring in certain regions in 5 countries of the Balkan peninsula. Its etiology is largely unknown, though several hypotheses have been formulated and are discussed in this review. In several cases, etiological hypotheses (e.g., viral, ochratoxin or trace element involvement) are verified only in local endemic areas and can not be confirmed when tested elsewhere. Only certain families in the endemic areas are affected. An exposure of at least 20 years to the unknown factors in the endemic areas seems to be mandatory for the development of the disease, but a genetic predisposition to this disease also seems to be mandatory....