The 2006 ERA-EDTA Registry annual report: a précis.
The 2006 ERA-EDTA Registry annual report: a précis.
J Nephrol. 2009 Jan-Feb;22(1):1-12
Authors: Stel VS, Kramer A, Zoccali C, Jager KJ
Introduction: This paper provides a summary of the 2006 European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Registry report. Methods: Data on renal replacement therapy (RRT) were available from 50 national and regional registries in 28 countries in Europe and bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Data sets with individual patient data were received from 35 registries, whereas 17 registries contributed data in aggregated form. For both types of registries we presented incidence, prevalence and transplant rates. Survival analysis and the calculation of expected remaining lifetimes were solely based on individual pati...