Stage 5-CKD under nephrology care: to dialyze or not to dialyze, that is the question.

Authors: Pacilio M, Minutolo R, Garofalo C, Liberti ME, Conte G, De Nicola L
Appropriate timing of starting chronic dialysis in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) under nephrology care still is undefined. We systematically reviewed the most recent studies that have compared outcomes of stage 5-CKD under conservative versus substitutive treatment. Eleven studies, most in elderly patients, were identified. Results indicate no advantage of dialysis over conservative management in terms of survival, hospitalization or quality of life. This information is integrated with a case report on a middle-aged CKD patient followed in our clinic who has remained for 15 years in stage 5 despite severe disease. The patient is a diabetic woman who underwent right nephrecto...