Artículos Científicos en Ingles

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Effective treatment administration of cyclophosphamide in membranous nephropathy.

Conclusions: With regard to patients with IMN, the...

Reduction in albuminuria translates to reduction in cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy and diabetes.

Authors: Ibsen H, Olsen MH, Wachtell K, Borch-Johnsen K...

Sex-based differences in lupus nephritis: a study of 235 Indian patients.

Conclusions: Renal dysfunction and activity index are...

Efficacy of deferoxamine, N-acetylcysteine and selenium treatments in rats with Adriamycin-induced nephrotic syndrome.

Conclusions: Our results showed that concomitant...

Early initiation of tacrolimus or cyclophosphamide therapy for idiopathic membranous nephropathy with severe proteinuria.

Conclusion: Earlier initiation of therapy with TAC or...

ORAMA: a study to investigate EBPG impact on renal anaemia - design and baseline data.

Conclusions: In line with findings from previous studies...

Renal failure is a risk factor for cefepime-induced encephalopathy.

Conclusion: The development of cefepime-induced...

Clinical and pathological study of Kimura's disease with renal involvement.

Conclusions: Mesangial proliferation, eosinophilic...

Primary aldosteronism - Part I: prevalence, screening, and selection of cases for adrenal vein sampling.

Authors: Rossi GP, Seccia TM, Pessina AC

Primary aldosteronism: Part II: subtype differentiation and treatment.

Authors: Rossi GP, Seccia TM, Pessina AC

IgA nephropathy: lessons from an animal model, the ddY mouse.

The objectives of this review are to introduce the...

Magnetic resonance imaging: advances in the investigation of atheromatous renovascular disease.

Authors: Chrysochou C, Buckley DL, Kalra PA

Hemoglobin normalization trials in chronic kidney disease: what should we learn about quality of life as an end point?

Authors: Covic A, Seica A, Gusbeth-Tatomir P, Goldsmith...

Regulatory T cells and transplantation tolerance.

Authors: Cobbold SP
Rodent models of...

Recombinant human erythropoietins, biosimilars and immunogenicity.

Authors: Schellekens H
