Single-patient methanol intoxications are a common...
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A Methanol Intoxication Outbreak From Recreational Ingestion of Fracking Fluid | From “Adequate” to Optimal Dialysis—By Adding a Single WordAt a late afternoon appointment with my wife Jane’s... | Solute and Water Transport in Peritoneal Dialysis: A Case-Based PrimerPeritoneal dialysis (PD) is an effective therapy for... |
Serum Potassium and Short-term Clinical Outcomes Among Hemodialysis Patients: Impact of the Long Interdialytic IntervalHyperkalemia is common among hemodialysis patients and... | Serum Asymmetric and Symmetric Dimethylarginine and Morbidity and Mortality in Hemodialysis PatientsAsymmetric (ADMA) and symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA)... | Bioimpedance and Fluid Status in Children and Adolescents Treated With DialysisAssessment of hydration status in patients with chronic... |
The Clinical Course of Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome With Onset in Adulthood or Late Adolescence: A Case SeriesFew studies have examined the treatment and outcome of... |
Artículos Científicos RSS ASN
Iron-Based Phosphate Binder Safely Treats Anemia in CKD PatientsIn a study 52.1% of patients receiving... | The Robot That Performed My Kidney Transplant Declined to Be InterviewedHow donating a vital organ to a fellow “... | Experts Urge for Wider Prescription of Statins in Treatment and Prevention... |
Chronic kidney disease patients have high out-of-pocket healthcare expenditures, study findsPatients who have chronic kidney disease... | ESRD Risk Factors in IgAN Patients IdentifiedPredictors of renal failure within 10... | Trial Finds Oral Iron Drug Safe and Effective for Treating Anemia in Kidney Disease Patients* In a phase 3 trial of patients with... |
Urine test reveals what you really eatAnalysing urine could improve what you... |
Artículos Científicos RSS JRN
Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Serum Lipid Profile and Oxidative Stress in Pediatric Patients on Regular Hemodialysis: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled StudyWe sought to evaluate the effects of omega-3 fatty acids... |