Artículos Científicos en Ingles

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Mineral Abnormalities Linked With Increased Mortality

In a study, patients with hypercalcemia had the highest...

Yo-yo dieting tied to heart attacks and strokes, even in healthy people

(Reuters Health) - People with fluctuations in their...

Artículos Científicos RSS AJKD

Effects of Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering on Kidney Tubule Injury in CKD: A Longitudinal Subgroup Analysis in SPRINT

Random assignment to the intensive systolic blood...

Effect of Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering on Kidney Tubule Injury: Findings From the ACCORD Trial Study Participants

Random assignment to intensive blood pressure (BP)...

Artículos Científicos RSS JN

Home haemodialysis: a cradle of new ideas

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Acute kidney injury following coronary angiography: a nationwide study of incidence, risk factors and long-term outcomes



A best-practice position statement on pregnancy after kidney transplantation: focusing on the unsolved questions. The Kidney and Pregnancy Study Group of the Italian Society of Nephrology



Defective activation of the MAPK/ERK pathway, leading to PARP1 and DNMT1 dysregulation, is a common defect in IgA nephropathy and Henoch-Schönlein purpura



Why kidneys fail post-partum: a tubulocentric viewpoint



Correction to: A best-practice position statement on pregnancy after kidney transplantation: focusing on the unsolved questions. The Kidney and Pregnancy Study Group of the Italian Society of Nephrology

In the original publication of the...

Chronic hyperkalemia in non-dialysis CKD: controversial issues in nephrology practice



The 2018 ESC/ESH hypertension guidelines: Should nephrologists always stop at the lower boundary?



Subjective Global Assessment-Dialysis Malnutrition Score and cardiovascular risk in hemodialysis patients: an observational cohort study



Prediabetes is associated with glomerular hyperfiltration in a European Mediterranean cohort study



Multicenter study on parathyroidectomy (PTX) in Italy: preliminary results


