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Serious Illness Treatment Preferences for Older Adults with Advanced CKD



In Remembrance of Thomas F. Ferris, MD, Former ASN President (1987-1988)

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Tracking HLA Antibody Changes among Kidney Waitlist Candidates: One Protocol May Not Fit All

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Fistula Interventions: Less Is More

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Pretransplant Kinetics of Anti-HLA Antibodies in Patients on the Waiting List for Kidney Transplantation


Patients on organ...

Another Tool in the Fight Against Phosphate Toxicity: Where Will It Fit and What Does It Tell Us about Phosphate Homeostasis?

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New Ways of Finding New Genes for Old Diseases

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Fecal Immunochemical Screening for Advanced Colorectal Neoplasia in Patients with CKD: Accurate or Not?

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Integrin-Linked Kinase Deficiency in Collecting Duct Principal Cell Promotes Necroptosis of Principal Cell and Contributes to Kidney Inflammation and Fibrosis


Necroptosis is a...

Iron Chelation as a Potential Therapeutic Strategy for AKI Prevention

AKI remains a major public health concern. Despite years...

Artículos Científicos RSS JRN

Reliability of Anthropometry-Based Equations Compared to Dual Energy Absorptiometry for Assessing Body Composition in Predialysis Chronic Kidney Disease—A Longitudinal Study

Skinfold thickness measurements for assessing body...

Artículos Científicos RSS AJKD

Medical Record Documentation of Goals-of-Care Discussions Among Older Veterans With Incident Kidney Failure

Elicitation and documentation of patient preferences is...

A Walking Intervention to Increase Weekly Steps in Dialysis Patients: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Patients receiving dialysis report very low physical...

Conservative Kidney Management: Caring for Patients Unlikely to Benefit From Dialysis

Conservative kidney management (CKM) is a patient-...

Machine Learning to Predict Acute Kidney Injury

The widescale adoption of electronic health record (EHR...
