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1. Dietary Potassium Does Not Correspond to Hyperkalemia

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National Kidney Foundation 2021 Spring Clinical Meeting Abstracts April 6-10, 2021

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6. Health Literacy, Numeracy and Dash Accordance Among Hypertensive Adults

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2. Perception of Plant Based Diets for Ckd

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14. Feasibility of A Digital Video Health Education Program at an Outpatient Hemodialysis Center During A Pandemic

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13. High Interdialytic Weight Gain In Hemodialysis Patients: Friend or FOE?

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11. Association of Snap Benefits with High-Calorie, High Fat Diets In Inner-City Chronic Kidney Disease (Ckd) and Kidney Transplant (Ktx) Patients

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16. Impact of Age On the Management of Serum Phosphorus Among Hemodialysis (Hd) Patients Prescribed Sucroferric Oxyhydroxide (So) As Part of Routine Clinical Care

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10. High-Protein Food Snack and Albumin Outcomes In Hemodialysis Patients

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3. Zinc Deficient Intake in Hemodialysis Patients: A Path to A High Mortality Risk

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9. An Evaluation of the Clinical Characteristics of Renal Transplant Patients Attending Tallaght University Hospital To Inform Development of A Targeted Dietetic Clinic

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8. A Pilot Study of the Phase Angle of Renal Transplant Patients Attending Tallaght University Hospital Using A Bioelectrical Impedance Machine

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15. Pilot Study: Mindful Drinking/Eating Intervention for Hemodialysis Patients With Fluid Restrictions

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Mirmiran P, Yuzbashian E, Aghayan M, Mahdavi M, Asghari...

Artículos Científicos RSS JN

Association of urinary C-megalin with albuminuria and renal function in diabetes: a cross-sectional study (Diabetes Distress and Care Registry at Tenri [DDCRT 21])


