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Artículos Científicos RSS AJKD

ANCA-Associated Vasculitis Following Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-...

Association of Time-Updated Anion Gap With Risk of Kidney Failure in Advanced CKD: A Cohort Study

High anion gap acidosis frequently develops in patients...

Mortality After Home Hemodialysis Treatment Failure and Return to In-Center Hemodialysis

Patients on home hemodialysis (HHD) may eventually...

Etelcalcetide Utilization, Dosing Titration, and Chronic Kidney Disease–Mineral and Bone Disease (CKD-MBD) Marker Responses in US Hemodialysis Patients

Clinical trial data have demonstrated the efficacy of...

Outcomes From Infections With Variant Strains of SARS-CoV-2 Among Patients Receiving Maintenance Hemodialysis

Even though safe and effective vaccines have been...

COVID-19 Vaccination in Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy

The timely editorial from Bomback et al1 on de novo and...

Global Health Education: A Call to Action in This Moment

The world is a much smaller place than when I grew up,...

The Bridge

They said it was a bridge to nowhere, she mentions as an...

IgA Nephropathy: Core Curriculum 2021

Immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common...

Interventions for Increasing Solid Organ Donor Registration: Editorial Summary of a Cochrane Review

End-stage organ failure is estimated to affect more than...

Interventions for Organ Donor Registration: Good Intentions, Bad Actions

Solid organ transplantation is one of the outstanding...

Pathogenic Variants in the Genes Affected in Alport Syndrome (COL4A3–COL4A5) and Their Association With Other Kidney Conditions: A Review

Massively parallel sequencing identifies pathogenic...

Artículos Científicos RSS JN

Correction to: Endolymphatic sac enlargement in an infant with metabolic acidosis

Este artículo no posee resumen

Perspectives on ability to work from patients’ receiving dialysis and caregivers: analysis of data from the global SONG initiative



Intraperitoneal extension of the peritoneal dialysis catheter—a new technique for catheter implantation in patients with obesity


