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Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation of Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonism In Diabetic Atherosclerosis (MAGMA)Este artículo no posee resumen | National Kidney Foundation 2023 Spring Clinical Meeting AbstractsSanjay Rajagopalan, Mirela Dobre, Armando Vergara-Martel... | Nephrolithiasis and Multicystic Kidneys in a Young Patient: A QuizA 23-year-old man with no relevant medical history or... |
Dialysis Technician Burnout: An Opportunity for EmpowermentBurnout among health care workers has long been... |
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Differences in the food consumption between kidney stone formers and non-formers in the Swiss Kidney Stone CohortDiet has a major influence on the formation and... | Short-Term Effects of a Therapeutic Diet on Biochemical Parameters in Hemodialysis Patients: A Randomized Crossover TrialAlthough unhealthy diets exacerbate nutritional and... | Differences in the Food Consumption Between Kidney Stone Formers and Nonformers in the Swiss Kidney Stone CohortDiet has a major influence on the formation and... |